C99 changes vs C89

Named initializers (Designated Initializer)がDoneになっているなぁと思って,確かめてみたら,C99と同じ書き方でちゃんと動いた.ということで,C99と同じに書けるけど,既存のコードを読むには,Plan9拡張があることを頭の隅に入れておくとよい.

    1: C99 changes vs C89
    2: http://home.tiscalinet.ch/t_wolf/tw/c/c9x_changes.html
    4: (Numbers are from the web page list.)
    6: Not done (yet?):
    7: 9, 19. Hexdecimal floating point constants.
    8: 11. _Complex, _Imaginary, _Bool
    9: 14. Variable arrays in parameter lists.
   10: 33. Variable-length arrays
   11: 34. goto restrictions for variable-length arrows
   12: 18. Notation for universal characters \uXXXX
   13: 25. Division and mod truncate toward zero.
   14: 26. _Bool, float _Complex, double _Complex, long double _Complex
   16: Done:
   17: 11, 30, 31, 32. restrict, inline
   18: 12. Allow declarations anywhere.
   19: 15. for loop declarations
   20: 28. structs ending in incomplete type.
   22: Unneeded (already had):
   23: 1. Translation limits
   24: 6. Empty macro arguments allowed.
   25: 8. #line limit
   26: 10 // comments
   27: 16. (Type){initializer list} compound literals
   28: 17. Named initializers
   29: 20. LL suffix for long long constants
   30: 21. IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic
   31: 22. Long long type, 64 bits wide.
   32: 24. Initializers for auto aggregates can be non-constants.
   33: 26. long long int, unsigned long long int, signed long long int
   34: 27. require at least one type specifier in a declaration
   35: 29. Idempotent type qualifiers.
   37: Unwanted:
   38: 2. #pragma stdc
   39: 3. _Pragma
   40: 4. __STDC_VERSION__
   41: 5. __STDC_IEC_559__, __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__,
   42:         __STDC_ISO_10646__
   43: 7. __VA_ARGS__
   44: 13. Digraph tokens
   45: 23. __func__ identifier