

では、いつものようにPlan9ではどうなっているかというと、/proc/loadavgに相当するのが/dev/sysstatである(正確には/proc/statに近いか)。Linuxは何でも/procに入れたがるが、Plan9の場合はデバイスファイルとして提供するのがポリシである。で、このファイルを提供しているのはconsデバイス。次にman cons(3)の該当部分を引用する。

The sysstat file holds 10 numbers: processor number, context switches, interrupts, system calls, page faults, TLB faults, TLB purges, load average, idle time and time spent servicing interrupts. The load average is in units of milli–CPUs and is decayed over time; idle time and interrupt time are percentage units; the others are total counts from boot time. If the machine is a multiprocessor, sysstat holds one line per processor. Writing anything to sysstat resets all of the counts on all processors.





 1512: void
 1513: accounttime(void)
 1514: {

 1539:         /* only one processor gets to compute system load averages */
 1540:         if(m->machno != 0)
 1541:                 return;


 1543:         /*
 1544:          * calculate decaying load average.
 1545:          * if we decay by (n-1)/n then it takes
 1546:          * n clock ticks to go from load L to .36 L once
 1547:          * things quiet down.  it takes about 5 n clock
 1548:          * ticks to go to zero.  so using HZ means this is
 1549:          * approximately the load over the last second,
 1550:          * with a tail lasting about 5 seconds.
 1551:          */
 1552:         n = nrun;
 1553:         nrun = 0;
 1554:         n = (nrdy+n)*1000;
 1555:         m->load = (m->load*(HZ-1)+n)/HZ;