

implement Eratosthenes;

include "sys.m";
include "draw.m";

sys : Sys;

Eratosthenes : module
  init : fn(nil : ref Draw->Context, nil : list of string);

init(nil : ref Draw->Context, nil : list of string)
  sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;

  i := 2;
  sourcechan := chan of int;
  spawn sieve(i, sourcechan);

  while () {
    sourcechan <-= i++;

sieve(ourprime : int, inchan : chan of int)
  n : int;
  sys->print("%d ", ourprime);
  newchan := chan of int;

  while (!((n = <- inchan) % ourprime)) {

  spawn sieve(n, newchan);

  while () {
    if ((n = <- inchan) % ourprime) {
      newchan <-= n;
